chris vaughn

Prior to joining Schneider in March 2020, Chris served as CFO for Guardiar for almost 5 years. Guardiar is owned by Præsidiad, a global leader in perimeter security solutions.

Chris began his finance career in the Aerospace & Defense industry, at BAE Systems, gaining valuable experience in the areas of government contracts and managing complex projects. With over 15 years of experience in the financial management field, he established himself as a respected finance professional. Leading the Guardiar finance team as Chief Financial Officer, Chris excelled at creating stability in processes and optimizing business environments in which operations can thrive.

Chris is a Certified Management Accountant with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration.

Q and A

One thing I want you to know about Schneider is:
The culture of Schneider which puts people first.

Who is someone you admire, and why?
My father who taught me the values of accountability, work ethic, and virtue.

I know more about this than most anyone:
Nothing—Diversity of thought and the wisdom of crowds is more powerful than any individual’s knowledge.

On Friday nights, you’ll probably find me:
Relaxing and reflecting outside or on a body of water with a cocktail.

Looking into the future, the one thing I’m most excited about for Schneider is:
The growth of the business, Schneider is well positioned to grow which will continue to spark more ingenuity and opportunity for customers, employees, and partners.

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?
Being on a boat fishing or skiing or just enjoying the serenity.

What are some causes you care about and why?
4Ocean—Keeping our oceans and waterways clean so future generations have the same privilege to enjoy.